Sometimes, you choose to repay people who have done noble things for you by doing things you least like.. out of guilt, not anything else. When one thing goes wrong, they, then, end up humiliating you by reminding you of their deeds, forgetting that you have remunerated and still are. They devalue your recompense just because you perform in silence... until you give up.
You do not have to pressure yourself for anyone. If repaying them is effortless, then do it, if not, then a thank you will do. Do not turn your life upside down for the sake of guilt. Remember, we never force anyone to do anything for us, it's either they do it or they don't.. Be thankful, just not guilty.
Because we can never really see through people. If we keep feeding them grapes, they might gorge themselves with them. And then, they will feel as though we're something they own.. And we're not anyone's puppet.